Guidance on making a referral for GPs and other health and care professionals


We accept referrals from GPs for people aged 17+ registered with a GP in Surrey (covering GPs in the Surrey Heartlands and Surrey Heath CCG areas) who meet Mind Matters NHS inclusion criteria. When completing the referral, please tell us anything that is relevant/helpful on the form. You can make a quick and easy referral by simply clicking here.

Any accompanying paperwork to support the referral can be emailed separately to Please make sure you quote the person's NHS number and date of birth.

Other Professional Referrals

Other health and care professionals can refer adults aged 18+ registered with a GP in Surrey (covering GPs in the Surrey Heartlands and Surrey Heath CCG areas) who meet the Mind Matters NHS inclusion criteria.  When completing the referral, please tell us anything that is relevant/helpful to the referral on the form. You can make a quick and easy referral by simply clicking here.

Any accompanying paperwork to support the referral can be emailed separately to Please make sure you quote the person's NHS number and date of birth.


If people using your services prefer, they can simply refer themselves online using our Limbic chat box. This guides people through completing the Mind Matters self-referral form.

Contact Information for GPs and other professionals

If you have any questions about Mind Matters or the referral process or you wish to talk to us about a potential or specific referral please contact us for a call back from a senior member of the team. If we receive a referral that is not appropriate, we will discuss this with the person being referred and yourself to agree the most appropriate way forward to meet the person's clinical need.

Our contact details:

Tel: 0300 330 5450 

You can find out more information about what happens follow a person's referral to Mind Matters in the 'What to Expect' area of the website.